Mityana District

Local Government

Launching of Ddundu-Namasenene-Kasangula Road 8 km.

Launching of Ddundu-Namasenene-Kasangula Road 8 km.


The District leadership led by the ARDC Bisangwa Francis held sensitsation meetings on Road maintenance works in Kisaana Namungo Sub county.

The purpose of the meeting was to guide on the project details, planned activities on the road and request for cooperation and supervision among the residents in accordance to the scope of work.

The RDC thanked the NRM government led by H. E the President for these projects most especially free Education and PDM and he said that as the government of NRM many things are still coming and urged residents to embrass all they have got.


He urged residents where they are going to pass the road that they are not going to compasete any body because the road is going to benefit them when they are taking their products in the market.

He added that Mityana district has been full of land wrangles but as the office of the RDC they have managed to settle them and they are coming to the end.


He urged parents to take children back to school and give them maximum support.He warned those that take children to Gardens and hawk food staffs during school ho


 The District Engineer Brian Mwanje said that the roads include Ddundu-Namasenene-Kasangula (8 km) The project will cost 56,000,000 million.


The Scope of work will include bush clearing, road widening, improvement of Swamp sections, grading, compacting, installation of new culvert lines, spot graving and drainage works.


The area member of parliament Hon Lumu Richard said that its the responsibility of residents to monitor the works that are going to be done on the roand and if they dont moitor and give back reports to the concerned they will be loosing because its their road.

Hon Lumu said that the issue of electricity in the area is pushing it to see that they get electricty. He added that the most of the areas in the consitituency had no electricty but they have tried to lobby and some have got and the resients of Kisaana they have to wait for thenext financialo year as they promised them from the ministry.


The district woman member of parliamnet Joyce Bagala Ntwatwa said that they are trying to lobby to see to it that they increase on the money they send for roads from one billion atleast to two billion so that the districts can work on their roads.


The Vice chairperson Mityana District Anniemariam Nassali said that the district has tried to work on the roads and asked residents to embrass all what they have done. She went further to urgue mostly women to engage in government programs like UWEP and GROW programs to uplift their standereds.


Namungo sub county chairperson Ssempiira Hussein asked the district to help them on work on the road Kiteete -Kisaana swamp which is in the bad state.