
The hospital is located 77km away from Kampala City in Mityana district. It is the main health care facility in the district serving over 600,000 people in Mityana, Mpigi, Kiboga, and Gomba districts. It is a 100 bed capacity hospital. The UHSSP project commenced on 24th February 2014 and expected to be completed by July 2015.
The renovation was contracted out to Sino Hydro Corporation Ltd at a cost of US$ 6,090,929.55 with the following scope of works: Construction of the Outpatient Department (OPD) ; casualty unit; female and maternity wards; theatre; mortuary; six unit staff accommodation; placenta and medical pit; attendants kitchen and laundry. Electricity, water and sewerage improvement works, external works including construction of walk ways and compound works among others.